Any question?
Please do not hesitate to contact our expert colleague:

Erzsébet Antretter

Head of Tax Advisory

Erzsébet has more than 13 year experience in tax advisory gained at BIG4 firms. She also leaded the tax department of a middle-sized accounting, payroll and tax advisory company and worked as the CFO at a Hungarian trading company of a multinational company group. Currently, she is senior manager at Niveus. She is mainly specialized in corporate income tax, but she has also outstanding experience in M&A transactions and tax audits. During her professional career, she participated in several international conferences also as presenter and she gained an overview of different industries. Erzsébet has a master’s degree in economics, while she is also qualified as tax expert and as chartered accountant.


Niveus hírlevél – 2024. december

Kihirdették a 2025-ös minimálbért és a garantált bérminimumot. Ismertek a 2025-ös munkaszüneti napok is. Hogyan kell adózni a karácsonyi ajándékok után? Decemberi hírlevelünkben ezekkel a témákkal foglalkozunk.

Niveus hírlevél – 2024. december

Kihirdették a 2025-ös minimálbért és a garantált bérminimumot. Ismertek a 2025-ös munkaszüneti napok is. Hogyan kell adózni a karácsonyi ajándékok után? Decemberi hírlevelünkben ezekkel a témákkal foglalkozunk.

A karácsony sem telik adózás nélkül – hogyan kell adót fizetni az ajándékok után?

A karácsonyi időszakban sok cég ajándékoz munkavállalóinak vagy üzleti partnereinek, ám ez nem mindig adómentes – hívja fel a figyelmet a a Niveus adótanácsadási üzletágának vezetője, Antretter Erzsébet.

Related services

Tax advisory services

The ever-changing tax legislation, which is difficult to understand and raises many questions of interpretation, presents a daily challenge for all companies operating in Hungary. Managing tax issues accurately and consistently without up-to-date knowledge of relevant legislation is an extremely time-consuming task. In addition, the misunderstanding of tax provisions may involve significant risk of tax fines and penalties, while not being aware of opportunities can deprive the businesses of significant tax benefits.

Other experts

Our colleagues gained professional experience at well-known international consulting firms, major companies and at various sectors of business in management tasks, due diligence, tax advisory, accounting and payroll.

György Szabolcsi

Founding Partner

János Girászin

Managing Partner

Lajos Bagdi

Partner – Tax Advisory

Tamás Halmos

Partner - Niveus Legal

Zoltán Dr. Jánosi

Partner - Niveus Legal

Zsófia Horváth

Business Manager - Accounting and Payroll Administration

Sándor Bodó

Partner - Audit Services

Erzsébet Antretter

Head of Tax Advisory

Rudolf Szabó

Head of Transfer Pricing Services

László Karlinger

Strategic Partner

Balázs Németh

Manager - M&A Advisory

Szandra Bartók

Manager - Payroll

Henrietta Mencser

Manager - Accounting

Szilvia Molnár

Business Development Manager

Márton Szánthó

Office Manager

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