Niveus – szél a szárnyad alatt: Megújult arculattal és a már megszokott, de mégis új névvel haladunk tovább
Büszkén jelentjük be, hogy 2024. november 21-től cégcsoportunk rövidebb névvel – Niveus-ként – és megújult arculattal folytatja működését
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Please do not hesitate to contact our expert colleague:
János has nearly 9 years of TP advisory experience and he is an associate of Niveus since 2009 when the company’s transfer pricing service line has been launched.
He has an in-depth knowledge of transfer pricing compliance systems of several countries, including Hungary and other OECD member states as well. In the past years he contributed in the completion of more than 150 transfer pricing projects. He is well-experienced both in compliance (transfer pricing documentation) and advisory (transfer pricing design / implementation; professional support of tax investigations) tasks. The primary field of his expertise is the transfer pricing of manufacturing / distribution activities with different functional profiles and intra group services (incl. risk assessment, planning and optimization).
In 2012 - within the framework of a large government project aiming the determination of the official public electricity prices effective as of 2013 - he managed a full-scope transfer pricing audit of the domestic electricity providers and distributors (a total number of 10 entities).
He holds a master’s degree in economics with a specialization in accounting and corporate finance. He regularly gives TP presentations during the in-house trainings of the largest Hungarian construction company. In the nearby past he joined the number one local tax professional website (Adózóna) as an author.
Büszkén jelentjük be, hogy 2024. november 21-től cégcsoportunk rövidebb névvel – Niveus-ként – és megújult arculattal folytatja működését
Benyújtották az őszi adócsomag tervezetét. Hogyan néz ki a külföldön tanulók magyarországi egészségbiztosítási státusza. GINOP Plusz pályázatok érhetőek el a vállalkozások számára. Októberi hírlevelünkben ezekkel a témákkal foglalkozunk
Girászin János, a Niveus Consulting Group ügyvezető partnere és Szabó Rudolf, a transzferár üzletág vezetője a adott interjúban osztja meg tapasztalatait a NAV ellenőrzésekről, a transzferár dokumentáció készítés nehézségeiről, a bírságokról és a jövőbeli várakozásokról.
Transfer pricing is one of the most complex corporate income tax-related challenges for both local and international groups of companies. The tax authority pays special attention to this area and moreover, the corresponding administrative burden has also significantly increased in the past years. Besides, the prudent determination of an asset’s fair market value may play a highly important role in other economic / accounting issues or during certain decision-making processes as well.
Our colleagues gained professional experience at well-known international consulting firms, major companies and at various sectors of business in management tasks, due diligence, tax advisory, accounting and payroll.
Kollégáink hamarosan felveszik önnel a kapcsolatot!