Any question?
Please do not hesitate to contact our expert colleague:

Balázs Németh

Manager - M&A Advisory

Balázs has more than 5 years experience in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) advisory and asset valuation, gained primarily at international advisory firms, but has also been involved in asset valuation processes in large corporate environments.

Currently he is the manager of the M&A advisory and asset valuation business of Niveus.

He has significant experience in company/business/asset evaluation, due diligence, market economy investor principle test and financial gap analysis.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management and a master’s degree in Finance. His professional publications provide assistance in the field of valuation for small and medium-sized enterprises.


Az utódlás nehézségei

A Niveus Consulting Group felmérést készített a magyarországi kkv szektorban azon vállalkozásoknál, ahol az elmúlt esztendőkben generációváltásra került sor, és a cégvezetést nem közvetlenül rokoni kapcsolaton keresztül vették át

Related services

Mergers & Acquisitions advisory and valuation services

The management and implementation of takeover processes are a major challenge today. Whether it is a takeover, a sale of shares, a sale of assets or any other M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) transaction, the time of closing a deal is preceded by a number of other steps that are key to its success. Determining the fair market value, identifying and contacting potential buyers / target companies, carrying out the appropriate depth of financial and operational due diligence, monitoring the entire process, ensuring contractual backing are all essential steps in a successful transaction, which also minimises the risks for the client.

Other experts

Our colleagues gained professional experience at well-known international consulting firms, major companies and at various sectors of business in management tasks, due diligence, tax advisory, accounting and payroll.

György Szabolcsi

Founding Partner

János Girászin

Managing Partner

Lajos Bagdi

Partner – Tax Advisory

Tamás Halmos

Partner - Niveus Legal

Zoltán Dr. Jánosi

Partner - Niveus Legal

Zsófia Horváth

Business Manager - Accounting and Payroll Administration

Sándor Bodó

Partner - Audit Services

Erzsébet Antretter

Head of Tax Advisory

Rudolf Szabó

Head of Transfer Pricing Services

László Karlinger

Strategic Partner

Balázs Németh

Manager - M&A Advisory

Szandra Bartók

Manager - Payroll

Henrietta Mencser

Manager - Accounting

Szilvia Molnár

Business Development Manager

Márton Szánthó

Office Manager

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