Financial audit

The purpose of the audit is to determine whether the Financial Statements prepared in accordance with local or international accounting regulations provides a give and fair view of the Company's financial and income situation. As part of our service, we undertake the following:

  • Audit of Financial Statements prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Accounting Act
  • Audit of consolidated Financial Statements
  • Audit of a reporting package prepared by a Hungarian subsidiary of an international group
  • Audit of Financial Statements necessary for restructuring
  • Valuation of contribution
  • Audit of other Financial Statements (e.g. interim balance sheet, foreign exchange transformation balance sheet)
  • Agreed upon procedures (audit of grants)

Other services

  • In addition to auditing, we also provide our clients with the following services:
  • Preparation of Financial Statements and consolidated Financial Statements prepared in accordance with IFRS or Hungarian Accounting Act
  • Assessment and optimization of the client's processes
  • Preparation for the transition to IFRS (assessment of impacts, preparation of IFRS accounting policy)
  • Preparation of hedging documentation

Due diligence

The purpose of due diligence is to identify and providing the investor with a comprehensive picture in order to make an investment decision.

As part of our due diligence services, we explore the financial, asset, operational and tax situation of the company under review, while also determining the most significant risks and factors that may modify the purchase price or, if applicable, thwart the transaction.

As a result of the due diligence, a detailed financial, asset, operational and tax due diligence report is provided, and we also provide the investor (or seller) with ongoing consultation opportunities to discuss any issues that may arise.

Any question?
Please do not hesitate to contact our expert colleague:


Niveus – szél a szárnyad alatt: Megújult arculattal és a már megszokott, de mégis új névvel haladunk tovább

Büszkén jelentjük be, hogy 2024. november 21-től cégcsoportunk rövidebb névvel – Niveus-ként – és megújult arculattal folytatja működését

Niveus hírlevél – 2023. szeptember

Megjelent a kiterjesztett gyártói felelősségi körbe tartozók adatszolgáltatási nyomtatványa. Változások a K+F minősítés szabályaiban. Az elmúlt 3 évben nőttek a NAV adóbevételei. Az Európai Bíróság legújabb ítélete az áfa hatósági visszatérítéséről. Szeptemberi hírlevelünkben ezekkel a témákkal foglalkozunk.

Köszönjük üzenetét!

Kollégáink hamarosan felveszik önnel a kapcsolatot!