Any question?
Please do not hesitate to contact our expert colleague:

Rudolf Szabó

Head of Transfer Pricing Services

Rudolf has more than 8 year experience in tax and transfer pricing advisory gained at BIG4 and other international tax advisory firms. Rudolf is the manager of the transfer pricing group at Niveus.

He is specialized in the organization and management of transfer pricing documentation projects, while also having deep experience in pricing advisory. Furthermore, Rudolf participated in numerous tax advisory and advance pricing advisory projects, and also proficient in internal advisory.

Rudolf has a bachelor’s degree in economics with a specialization in accounting, while he is also a qualified tax advisor and a chartered accountant.


Related services

Transfer pricing & valuation services

Transfer pricing is one of the most complex corporate income tax-related challenges for both local and international groups of companies. The tax authority pays special attention to this area and moreover, the corresponding administrative burden has also significantly increased in the past years. Besides, the prudent determination of an asset’s fair market value may play a highly important role in other economic / accounting issues or during certain decision-making processes as well.

Other experts

Our colleagues gained professional experience at well-known international consulting firms, major companies and at various sectors of business in management tasks, due diligence, tax advisory, accounting and payroll.

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