Niveus - wind beneath your wings: moving forward with a new brand strategy and a well-known but still new name

2024. November 25.

Niveus - wind beneath your wings: moving forward with a new brand strategy and a well-known but still new name


We are proud to announce that from 21st November 2024, our group continues its operation under a shortened name - Niveus - and with a new brand strategy. Our new tagline, "wind beneath your wings", reflects our commitment to provide our clients with a momentum they need to achieve their goals with confidence in peace and harmony. The change in our corporate graphic design has not only refreshed our look and feel, it has also helped us to define our core values and philosophy.


Our corporate philosophy is the long-term partnership built on honesty, relaxed atmosphere and understanding – these are the cornerstones for thinking together and cooperating in a proactive way with our clients. In a world where people become often invisible in the shadow of numbers, we strive to build a consulting practice where partnership is as important as results and where there is the opportunity to maintain long-lasting relationships. We know that real value may only be created through relationships based on mutual trust and respect - and we are working on this every day by being direct and available.


With the new Niveus new brand strategy, we are taking this commitment further. The rebranding and our strengthened corporate philosophy are designed to serve our partners with an even greater quality and with a more distinctive identity. We would like to say thank you to our nearly 650 clients for joining us on our exciting journey of development and we also look forward to having them on board in the future.

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